Small House of Everything

Small House of Everything

Friday, January 31, 2025



And a pink elephant ring made of some cheap composite material...

What more can you ask for?  How about some stolen diamonds...a 5000 dollar reward...Albie, a phony Indian road-house owner...a cage of homing pigeons...Dragon-Fly Danny and Hamburger Harr and Grabby the Snatcher...a midair battle and a parachute to (could it be) safety?...our dauntless hero captured by thugs...The Three Sisters (two in drag) -- Damarius, Rebella, Angela...a deadly cobra named Kitty...a human lemon sqeezer...a wig of red hair...Matalini, the evil crystal gazer...a Book of Fate laced with chloroform...a daring escape,,,a deadly bombing mission...and a dash of true love amongst the chaos.

Hold on to you hat!  Detective Dale is on the case...with a little assist from pilot Mike Condor.

A memorable line:  "So there's a woman in this case, eh?  There generally is when there's loose diamonds about."

Drawn by Australian comic book artist Will Donald (active from 1906 to the mid-1940s), using a rathe grotesque, Chester Gould approach to the villains.

Enjoy this throw-everything-into-the-pot-and-see-what-comes-out from Australia's Offset Printing Company.

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