Small House of Everything

Small House of Everything

Friday, October 25, 2024


Mil Mascaras, born Aaron Rodrigues Arellano in 1942, is a former Mexican masked wrestler and movie star. He made his wrestling debut in 1965.  In 1972 he became the first masked wrestler allowed in Madison Square Garden. A member of the WWE Hall of Fame, his name means "Man of a Thousand Masks."  He starred as "himself" in a least 19 Lucha Libre films.

"The Invasion of the Kardios" is an English translation of the undated Spanish photoplay comic book story "Mil Mascaras en La Invasion de Los Kardios" by Comic Book Plus contributor "Arten."  It's a small book -- only eight pages -- but is small size is made up for by many photos of Mill Mascaras's mighty abs, pecs, and delts, if you go for that sort of thing.

The powerful inhabitants of the planet Kardios are readying for their invasion of Earth.  The situation is dire because the Kardios (the people and planet have the same name) have stolen a "disintegrator ray" from the planet Saturn.  The only place to stop the Kardios is in the asteroid belt because the kardios cannot stand the gasses in that region.  When three of Earth's ships are destroyed by the disintegrator ray, our hero -- wearing only magnetic books, a space helmet, and shorts. leaps to the kardios flying saucer and destroys the thick crystals of its command tower, and then the control panel of the disintegrator ray.  Then, leaping to the top of the Kardios ship, our hero fight the Kardios by hand, easily defeating all who came after him.  But the Kardios have another trick up their sleeve as they race to a new weapon.  But then -- poof! -- they disappear because the gases of the asteroid belt have got to them.

(Please note that I used only one exclamation point in the above paragraph -- a remarkable show of restraint on my part.)

I have no idea what film this comic book is based upon, and IMDb gives no hint, but is that important?  No!  what is important is that the Mexican masked wrestler has again won the day!


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