Small House of Everything

Small House of Everything

Friday, June 3, 2022


 Time to saddle up, pardners!   The Bantam Buckaroo is in town.  While bringing a load of feed to a local ranch, Lobo runs into a gang of robbers who had previously shot the sheriff (but did not shoot the deputy) a week before.  The owlhoots are up to no good and Lobo hears them talking about Someone named Buckshot Brown.  After getting away from the bad guys, Lobo finds Buckshot Brown to warn him that th gang is looking for him.  In return, Buckshot pours some patent medicine into the water trough from which Lobo's horses were drinking.  The tainted water makes Lobo's horses go crazy as they went careening out off town, eventually crashing into the outlaw gang who had dressed themselves up as Indians.  The feed is lost, the outlaws scatter and Lobo has to borrow a wagon to get back into town.  The next day brings a new try to deliver the feed.  The outlaws are trying to rob the rich rancher who had ordered the feed and it's up to Lobo -- The Bantam Buckaroo -- to stop them.

Then The Hooded Horseman (a.k.a. Bud Fraser), that dread avenger of evil, runs into a gang blocking the public trail to Mineral Wells, where Bud hoped to provide water for his steers.  Bud's gun and his faithful dog Flash convince the gang to let his herd through, but they soon Mineral Wells to be nearly deserted and the town's water depleted.  It's all an elaborate plot to get control of a gold mine.  Bud decides it's time for The Hooded Horseman to come out of hiding.  Guns blaze and fists fly as the human wildcat with a reputation for plumb poison, goes up against the gang to find out who is pulling the strings behind the scene.  Along the way he saves a beautiful girl from a marriage to a cad before riding off into the desert, :galloping toward his next blazing adventure."

When a slick con man tries to rob the Utes of their land, it's time for Injun Jones to act.  How can he stop the Utes from getting vengeance on on white settlers and take care of the bad guys while he is wanted by the Indians, who believe he was a part of the land theft?  Don't worry.  It's a piece of cake for Injun Jones.

Enjoy this by-the-books western comic.  The tales may be predictable but they make good reading.

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