Small House of Everything

Small House of Everything

Monday, August 19, 2024


Roscoe Karns stars as Inspector Rocky King.  three hours before Dayton Merrill is scheduled to be executed for murder, King gets a phone call from the man who claims to be the real murderer.  King is unable to get a stay of execution based on the telephone call alone, so he and Detective Sergeant Lane (Earl Hammond) must race against time to find the evidence that would save an innocent man's life.

Also featuring Todd Karns (Roscoe's son) as Sergeant Hart, and the voice of Grace Carney as Rocky King's wife (who is heard but never seen in the series).  Included in the cast of this episode were Somar Alberg, Ward Costello, John Anderson (Psycho, Eight Men Out, The Satan Bug), and Anne Roberts.  The announcer was Ken Roberts.

Directed by Wes Kenney and Lee Polk from a teleplay by Frank Phares; Roscoe Karns provided additional dialog.

Rocky King, Detective (also known as Inside Detective) was one of the earliest television detective shows, was broadcast live and aired for six seasons, from January 7, 1950 to December 26, 1954 on the Mutual Network.  It was one of the network's most popular programs.

Join King and Hart as they try to beat the clock and save a man's life.

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