Small House of Everything

Small House of Everything

Monday, August 12, 2024


Selected for admission to the Library of Congress's National Film Registry in 2009 as being 'culturally, historically or aesthetically" significant and worthy of being preserved for all time, Under Western Stars also marked the first starring role for Roy Rogers, made under contract to Republic Pictures after a walkout by singing cowboy star Gene Autry.  The film's song, "Dust", was nominated for an Academy Award for best song.

John Fairbank (Guy Usher, The Case of the Black Cat, The Spanish Cape Mystery, Buck Rogers), who runs the local water company, has refused to allow free water for farmers and ranchers, forcing Roy rogers and his men to overpower guards at the dam and release a water valve.  A sympathetic judge fines Roy only one dollar, while also convincing him to follow in his father's footsteps and run for congress.  Elected to the House of Representatives. Roy brings the misery of the "Dust Bowl" plight to the attention of the politicians.  Roy is secretly helped by Fairbanks' daughter, Eleanor (Carol Hughes, Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe, Renfrew of the Royal Mounted, The Border Legion).  When Roy needs the backing of a key congressman, he arranges for an inspection trip, but the congressman is unimpressed.  So slyboots Roy gets the inspection party stranded without water to make a point.

Also featuring a familiar cast of faces and character actors:  Smiley Burnette, Tom Chatterton, Kenneth Harlan (he of nine[!] wives -- there may have been more wives, but they weren't his), Stephen Chase, Earl Dwire, Dick Elliott, Slim Whitaker, Jack Rockwell, and the Maple City Four (Frits Meissner, Al Rice, Art James, and Pat Petterson(.  Among those in uncredited roles are George Montgomery (Philip Marlowe in The Brasher Doubloon), Henry Hall, Jack Ingram, and (of course) Trigger (his first film).

Directed by Joseph Kane from a script by Dowell McGowan, Stuart McGowan, and Betty Burbridge.

As hinted above, Under Western Stars was meant to be a vehicle for Gene Autry under the title Washington Cowboy.


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