"Arguably Dell's second most famous anthology was Animal Comics, famous because it introduced Albert, Pogo and the rest of the Okefenokee Repertory Players...Issue #1 introduces Albert, a greedy and selfish alligator, Bumbazine, a thoughtful and clever little boy, and Pogo, a possum with a birthday. In "Albert Takes the Cake," Albert may have a different personality that his later lovable self, but Pogo has no character at all aside from fast-talking his way out of being eaten."
Ah, but from such humble beginnings...
From 1942, Animal Comics #1, wherein everyone's favorite possum first saw light of day:
Also in this issue: a non-Okefenokee Swamp story by Walt Kelly, "Muzzy and Ginger."
Albert is one of my favorite gators, and I love that cover.