Small House of Everything

Small House of Everything

Monday, July 29, 2024


Tom Corbett, Space Cadet ran from 1950 through 1955 and was one of the few television that ran on all four major networks at that time:  CBS (October 2 through December 1950), ABC (January 1951 through September 1952), NBC (July to September 1951), and Dumont (from August 1953 to May 1954; the program then ran again on NBC (from December 1954 to June 25, 1955).  episodes were 15 minutes on weekdays and 30 minutes on Saturdays.

The basic idea for the series was created by Joseph Greene, who proposed it a comic strip in 1945, then as a radio series in 1946 (the hero was then named "Tom Ranger"), and again as a radio series in 1947.  In 1949, Greene worked to  turn the concept into a television show, Tom Ranger, Space Cadet.  then Robert A. Heinlein published the first of his many popular science fiction juveniles, Space Cadet, in 1950; Rockhill Studios, which was developing the television show licensed the title Space Cadet from Heinlein.  With a name change to Tom Corbett, Space Cadet, the television show was finally born.  Popular science writer Willy Ley was hire as a scientific advisor for the show.

The series starred Frankie Thomas Jr. as Tom Corbett (he played Ted Nickerson in four Nancy Drew films in 1938 and 1940; after he died at age 85 in 2008, he was buried in his Space Cadet uniform).  Al Markim played the Venusian cadet Astro, and Jan Merlin played the egotistical, condescending, but very capable cadet Russ Manning.  with 113 acting credits on IMDb, Merlin also starred in 39 episodes of The Rough Riders (1958-1959); he was also an accomplished writer, winning a Daytime Emmy Award in 1975 for his work on Another World, and receiving a further nomination in 1976; he has published a number of books -- both fiction and nonfiction -- including (with William Russo) Frankie Thomas:  The Eternal Cadet.

In this early episode, a runaway asteroid is heading toward Earth.  As Captain Steve Strong and Doctor Joan Dale join the Polaris to destroy it, Russ Manning, left in command while the others sleep, recklessly increases speed to save the Earth and be a hero.  But can the tubes handle the strain?

Directed by George Gould; writer unknown.  Also featuring Ed Bryce as Captain Strong, Margaret Garland as Dr. Dale, and John Fiedler as Alfie Higgins.


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