Small House of Everything

Small House of Everything

Monday, January 18, 2021


 Question:  What is better than an Ed Wood, Jr. movie?

Answer:  Just about anything.

So here's everyone's favorite cashmire schlockmeister with a not-so-good tale of a young man drawn into a life of crime and the young man's plastic surgeon father being blackmailed into providing a new face for a gangland boss.  Don't expect logic, or plot, or good acting, or any cinematic values with this one.

Staring Lyle Talbot, Delores Fuller, Herbert Rawlinson (his last film; he died of terminal lung cancer the morning his last scene was shot), and Steve (Hercules) Reeves, and Clancy Malone.

With a screenplay written committed by Wood and Alex Gordon and directed by Wood, this one also features Wood doing a voiceover as a radio newscaster.

Oh.  And there's blackface.

Well, the director's cut replace the blackface scene with a strip tease scene, so maybee Ed Wood, Jr. became woke.

Enjoy this unintentional laugh-along epic.

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