Small House of Everything

Small House of Everything

Tuesday, May 12, 2020


Legendary screenwriter Richard Matheson adapted Jules Verne's novels Master of the World and Robur the Conqueror for AIP's low budget drive-in fare.  Verne copied himself and 20,000 Leagues Below the Sea when he wrote these books that could well have been called 20,000 Leagues Above the Sea.  Vincent Price stars as pacifist, would-be conqueror Robur.  Charles Bronson is John Strock, the captive who must try and stop Price.  Veteran actor Henry Hull evidently came out of retirement to take third billing, and television actress Mary Webster plays the eye candy.  Look closely and you'll see silent film comedian Snub Pollard in an uncredited role as Man at Balloon Society Meeting, one of Pollard's last appearances before his death of cancer the following January.

Roger Corman had nothing to do with this film, despite a presumption that he did.  The executive producer this time around was Samuel Z. Arkoff, a man who knew who to squeeze the last penny to cater to his target audience -- teenagers.  William Witney, a master of low-budget serials (The Crimson Ghost, The Adventures of Captain Marvel, Mysterious Doctor Satan), helmed this picture for Arkoff.

Matheson, Price, and a capable cast elevated this film above standard AIP fare.


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